Friday, March 18, 2011

Holy Adventure - Day 6

I have often heard people say, “Oh, I’m not creative.” And when we look around at all the people we admire for their talent and creativity, it can seem as though we have little to offer. We see great works of art and we wonder how anyone could be so talented. We hear a great composer and we feel small by comparison. We read a beautiful poem or a well written book and we know we could never be so eloquent. And yet, created in the image of God, each of us has creative abilities whether we recognize it or not.

I am aware of that sometimes when Diane Brown puts flowers and clothes and other items together in the sanctuary. It seems to me, given the same items, I would never be able to come up with anything so beautiful. Or when I look at the Warm Hugs blankets and quilts and prayer shawls that come to the church to extend our love where it is needed, I think I could never be as creative as Lois Miller or Olene Dowell or Jeannie Fitz or Mary Israel. And there are SO MANY other examples at First Christian Church. Such creative people! Who in the church amazes you with their creativity? Where do you see the creative aspects of yourself shining? Is God calling you to create something new in your life?

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