Saturday, December 15, 2012

Centering In God

Today's post is by Darla Ewalt:

When the world around you turns upside down and all you seem to see is pain, suffering, and sadness; the only place of peace you may find is by resting in the presence of God.  
The practice of Centering Prayer is the Christian form of meditation.  
It is where I find a gentle and loving presence that quiets my fears and fills me with a peace that cannot be found anywhere else.  
On Sunday, December 9, I gently introduced 2 minutes of Centering Prayer to those present in the sanctuary.  The room was so quiet you could sense God’s presence.  One visitor told Tim that those two minutes of silence (resting in God’s presence) was the most memorial part of the entire service.  It was a very powerful experience for this young man considering the competition of beautiful music, communion and baptisms that are also memorable. 
Consider joining me on Sunday afternoons at 4:00 or on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm and experience God’s presence.  Blessing to all.

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