Saturday, March 26, 2011

Holy Adventure - Day 14

Check in. It is now 2 weeks since we began this Holy Adventure. How has it been going for you? Have you done the reading each day? Have you prayed the prayers and said the affirmations and reflected upon the material? Have you been keeping a journal of your thoughts and reflections?

What has stirred in the deep places within you? Do you sense/hear God calling you in a particular direction? Are you feeling affirmed, or challenged? Is there an opening to see something differently than you have before? Are there points of disagreement you have with the author? Have you had any “ah-hah” moments?

Now would be a good time to reflect on what you’d like from this adventure. If you haven’t been doing the readings, would you like to renew your commitment to do so? Today is a new day and you can start fresh! If you haven’t started a journal, it’s not too late. Will you be in worship tomorrow so you can offer your heart, soul, strength and mind to God this week and get ready for what is in store?

Think about it. Pray about it. Pray for not only yourself, but your fellow adventurers.


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